Tuesday, January 16, 2007

“Contaminated” Blood Bags and Separation of Powers

When the British prime minister Tony Blair said some time ago that a major corruption inquiry into Saudi Arabian arms deals was threatening national security, and so the inquiry should stop, I assumed that this was the end of it. As a citizen in an Arab country I was used to take the statements of political leaders for granted, and of course I didn’t think for a moment that any part of the government would dare to challenge Blair’s assessment, after all, he’s the boss!!
But this is not an Arab country, it’s Britain. And because it’s Britain, Britain's secret intelligence service, MI6, has challenged the government's claim and John Scarlett, the head of MI6, has now refused to sign up to a government dossier which says MI6 endorses this view.
When I read this news in the Guardian (16-01-2007) I couldn’t ignore the contrast between the head of MI6 attitude and that of some Egyptian officials in the issue of the blood bags that are not compatible with the standards.
The issue started when fifty-year old Khedr Abdul-Hadi, who was a liver fibrosis sufferer, died on Monday, a week after receiving a transfusion of contaminated blood at a hospital in Cairo, the Egyptian opposition paper al-Wafd reported on Tuesday.

Al-Khedr fell into a coma shortly after the transfusion.

The bag used in Abdul-Hadi’s case was one of more than 250 000 “contaminated” blood bags had been delivered to hospitals and blood banks by Haidylena for Advanced Medical Industries, a company owned by Hani Sorour, a MP from the ruling National Democratic Party. So, what was the government and the parliament’s response to such a serious incident?

The head of the health commission on the parliament Dr. Hamdi Al Sayed advocated Sorour enthusiastically, describing him as a “poor” fellow that no one gives the chance to tell his side of the story. Meanwhile, the government stood still and the Egyptian Parliament has yet to meet on Thursday to discuss stripping Sorour of his parliamentary immunity so that the police can interrogate him.

The case of the blood bags reveals that the notion of separation of powers is absent in Egypt, Sorour, broke the law that prevents any member of the parliament from entering in deals with the government, and El Sayed ignored the fact that he is the head of the health commission on the parliament and advocated Sorour. The parliament didn’t think of stripping the parliamentary immunity of Sorour so that the police can interrogate him until the media intensive cover of the case provoked wide anger in the Egyptian street. And a spokesman for Sorour’s company accused the media of interfering in issues that they don’t understand!!


  1. Of course I agree with you on the non-existence of separation of powers in Egypt. After all the party, the government and the parliament are all one thing.

    However, it seems like you missed a lot of details on the blood bags issue. The issue was raised by the "Al-Ahrar" opposition newspaper about 10 days ago, and the death incident reported by "Al-Wafd" later had nothing to do with the issue. As a matter of fact, the blood transfused to the deceased was carried in one of the blood bags imported by the Ministry of Health after they suspended the use of Hany Sorour's blog bags about 6 months ago.

    The whole issue really stinks, especially that Haidar Baghdady, the parliament member fueling the campaign is known for being a corrupted NDP member. It looks like another episode of the fight between the two corrupted wings of the NDP, and I won't be surprised if the whole thing turns out to be a propaganda war between two companies over doing business with the Egyptian government.

  2. Hi minesweeper76,
    Thanks for your information, I admit that I didn't follow the case of the contamintaed blood bags closely, so I missed some details.
    I agree with you, it seems like another episode of of the fight between the two corrupted wings of the NDP.

  3. I'm sure you already heard by now that the inquiry has been cancelled by Blair. Seems like the Anglo-American campaign to "democratize" the Arab World is back-firing :)

  4. hi minesweeper76,
    I already knew that the inquiery has been cancelled by Blair when I wrote this post, but the fact that prominent government officials rejected Blair's reasons for calling off the investigation is the thing that caught my attention.
