Thursday, February 03, 2011

Mubarak Speech on 1-2-2011

It may be enough to me, the one who stayed at home and sufficed with fasting and praying God to bring us victory, though it’s at least 4 days late. But is it enough for the crowds in the streets, those who have been there for a week, who have been beaten and even shot? Will this send them home with the belief that they’ve reached what they wanted and that their demands will finally be achieved? Wasn’t it better if he just stepped down and gave power to the vice president or the chief of the upper constitutional court? Wasn’t this going to spare the country the chaos and achieve a peaceful transition of the authority? How will things proceed now? Only God knows!

He didn’t even apologize to the dead; he didn’t promise to punish the interior affairs former minister; he didn’t say that those on the streets won’t be touched if they returned home; he didn’t promise to allow different forms of freedom; they didn’t even allow the internet service back as a sign of good intention!

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