Saturday, October 06, 2018

Convenience Friends: A Fact of Life?

Changing jobs, moving to a new country, and even starting a new hobby take you to new circles of people. At the same time, it gets you thinking about your old circles, and sort of reassess your relationship with the people whom you might have taken for granted for a long time or vice versa. While it is common for the “in touch” level to differ based on physical and time proximity, keeping a weak or strong tie should be irrelevant of these tangible aspects, in my opinion.

This triggered me to think of the idea of “convenience friends”; people who hangout with you – or you hang out with - because you happen to be in the right place at the right time for them and once the circumstances change you are no longer friends or to be more accurate you haven’t been in the first place!

While there’s nothing really wrong with that, it doesn’t work for everyone, and while you don’t have to sign a friendship pact with those you cross paths with there need to be some shared understanding or matched expectations. Simply because some people make friends for life and whenever they have to part and end up not meeting or even talking for months, there remains a deep level of “ود” that connects hearts oceans apart!

I thought I’m the first one to coin the term “convenience friends” but when I Googled I found loads of materials on the topic, though they mostly take one angle, one that shows one party as guilty and the other as a victim. But let’s start with the basics: 

According to the Urban dictionary, a convenience friend is “A person who is only around when it is easy and convenient for them. They are the people who, if not placed around us, (ex. dorm rooms), all the time, they wouldn't really be friends. They are usually used to do things for you, if you need a ride to and from school, etc. They are basically friends who need you around when they need a favor, or when they are just so bored out of their minds that they would rather hang out with you than sit around all day, but they'd never put you first.”

On the other hand, some talk about how one person who is taking others as convenience friends may not be doing it intentionally but just as a result of being too busy (and on that matter being too self-centered!). Others bring the interesting perspective of how someone taking you as a convenience friend may indeed be a convenience friend to another in some sort of normal loop. While most of the first Google page search results talks mainly about materialistic things, like more tangible favours, the time and emotions invested in such relationships are more valuable. Eventually, both sides will have their own definitions and stories, and while one person might feel like a convenience friend the other might see him/her as “too attached”.

The real risk of this phenomenon is that some people spend their whole lives mainly surrounded by convenience friends, and thus when they grow old and naturally are less able to do “favours” to others, they end up being very lonely.

So I guess this is an invitation for those who tend to honour human relationships significantly more than others, to manage their expectations, and do “reality checks” from time to time to assess the kind of friendship they are involved in and act accordingly. It is not healthy to hold the place of a victim and investing too much time and emotions in such relationships may lead you to miss out on more genuine potential friendships out there.

This is also an invitation to those on the other end of the spectrum to appreciate and honour human relationships more and to try being more self-aware of where they stand from those around them and where they place them in return.

I’ll end up with a part from a poem a friend of mine has recently shared:
ويسألونك عن الحب
قل هو تمام المعرفة 
وكمال الوصال
حتى وان غاب عن الانظار

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