While following the heated debate over what is known now as “Prostitutes Program”, one angle caught my attention, and that is the kind of language and the level of knowledge the three girls who said they are not prostitutes and that they were paid by Hala Show program to act the role of prostitutes in the show.
One of the three girls is a college graduate, the other has a high school diploma, and yet when you hear them talk you have the feeling that they are not educated at all. I am not saying this to insult the three girls and I don’t plan to judge them or their decision to participate in Hala Show program. The only thing that concerns me is that the Egyptian educational system has deteriorated to a degree that produces such girls.
Again I am not trying to undermine anyone here, but I was just chocked of the way those girls expressed themselves and the way they managed this issue.
Our Educational system produces ignorant persons, that’s the conclusion I draw from the whole fuss about “fatayat el leil” issue.
I believe the girls were prostitutes and now they ar trying to cover up!
ReplyDeletethis is totally right, I do agree with you our educational systems in eygpt is only shit !!!!!