May be it's time for change!
Today I've to move from my office at work to another office due to some managerial decisions. Though I accepted this decision with my own will (actually my direct supervisor asked for it as a favor and I couldn't let her down), I'm feeling so bad. I've been in the same place for about a year and a half. On my favorite desk, beside my favorite window and with my favorite colleagues. It's not a matter of being with my friends because we don't hang out at work but it's a matter of being with people of similar character, mode etc. In the new office, I'd have to deal with one of the most difficult characters that I’ve always failed to cope with "The loud character". I can't concentrate in the presence of such characters. I don't like to be interrupted every minute. I don't like to hear comments on everything I do or others do. I don't like to laugh and have fun all the time. I can't live and work in such environment! May be I'm just being too emotional but the surrounding environment really affects my work efficiency. I sometimes woke up depressed and feeling gloomy but then I set at my desk drinking my coffee while listening to fairouz and enjoying the morning breeze coming from the window, and gradually I'm in a total different mode. Anyway, may be it's time for change. And after all I should try to deal and interact effectively with all kinds of characters in order to be successful in my life and work (I'm trying to be more wise now :) ).
My ex-office