As a working mum with a twin, life has not been easy for me lately. There was days when I cried out of exhaustion and sleep deprivation. Everyday I faced a new challenge and solved a new problem. My twin (Moaz and Anas) are my first kids and I had ZERO experience in dealing with kids. And the worse is that I live away from my family and has no one to help me, except my husband of course.
Anyway, I want to share my experience with you, so that you can avoid my mistakes and make use of my ideas. so, here are the golden rules that I found useful:
Accept help with the house work from family, friend and neighbors.
I'm the kind of person that wants to do everything by herself, but this didn't help me much at the end of the day when I was alone with my Twin tired of cleaning, cooking and washing all the day.
If you want to breast feed, which I recommend, learn how to feed both kids at the same time.
This will save you precious time you need to sleep or just lie down a little.
Invest in a good electric breast pump, it will give you a break, especially during the night were your spouse can give expressed milk to the kids. You will also need it when you get back to work. You may wonder how to find time to express your milk? I suggest that you pump when breast as you nurse one of the babies from the other one and switch the next time!
Keep your fridge full with healthy choices.
Because I didn't have time to eat nice healthy meals, most of the time I just get achocolate, or a cake, ..etc. every time I feel hungry. I didn't gain weight cause nursing two babies consumes a lot of calories, but I was exhausted and tired all the time and I didn't get the elemnts my body needs to keep energetic and be able to do what i have to do. You specially need proteins, iron, vitamin c and calcium.
Be organized.
Plan ahead for meals, doctor appointments, shopping, visits, ...etc.
I found it useful to prepare meals in the week end and freeze them, so they'll be ready to use through the week. Get them out of the freezer before you go to work and cook when you come back. meals that can be cooked in the oven are a good choice, as you can put them in the oven the minute you reach home, so that they will be ready by the time you have changed your clothes and nursed the babies.
Buy rocking chairs for the babies.
You can rock the chair of one kid with your leg while nursing or changing for the other. It's also a safe choice for them to sleep in during the day.
Write down everything.
Make a table to write down which one nursed on which breast, which one changed diaper, ... etc. Believe me with all the things going on in your life you will even forget which of them you are holding.
Creat bed time routine.
My last advice for you is to start trying to create a similar nap and bedtime routine for both of them by the time they are around 3 months. But this deserves a whole new article.